Kiosk Registration

At The Credit Valley Hospital, recurring patients are able to "self-register" at a kiosk in the patient care area, which helps to expedite the registration process. The hospital uses them in the new regional cancer center and the outpatient and ambulatory care clinics, where the hospital sees the most volume of patients in a short period of time.

Without a keyboard, a patient can scan his/her health card at a kiosk. The hospital system deploys a real-time network-to-network connection with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to ensure the patient's identity and validate the card. If they are in sync, the system automatically signs the patient into the MEDITECH Admissions Module and delivers paperwork to the registration desk. If the card is not valid, the system displays a message instructing the patient to see a registration clerk, who will assist them. The transaction takes 30 seconds.

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