Interfacing Registration to Scheduling

Greenwich Hospital looked to Boston WorkStation to convert registration information to centralized scheduling. The manager there saw an opportunity to automatically convert all of the appointments that are in one of the dictionaries to the new central scheduling module in Meditech. More than 10,000 appointments had already been registered and booked in advance in the previous system. He needed a way to convert all of those appointments into the proper time slots in the new system.

He set up Boston WorkStation to take an extract out of the dictionary and convert it into an Excel spreadsheet. It continues by automatically and accurately pulling the appointments from the spreadsheet and uploading them to the Meditech scheduling module. This kind of dictionary-conversion project would normally take 700 man-hours, or about $10,000. If it had been done on an overtime basis, it would be $16,000. Setting up the automation took four hours and it finished uploading the appointments by the end of the week.

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