Device Integration

University of MA Medical Center uses Boston WorkStation to create multiple interfaces between Meditech and clinical instrumentation systems. Bayer Diagnostics performs HCVBDNA testing and sends the result to a rewriteable CD on a PC.  After the verifying directory reviews and transfers the data Boston WorkStation auto-verifies the result in the Meditech system. This change has allowed for both significant time savings and an elimination of transcription errors. The information is dated, making review fast and time efficient, and results in an end to lost or misplaced paperwork.

UMass also used BWS to create a two-way interface to Sequenom. It uploads patient names and orders to Sequenom and then downloads results to Meditech identifying patients by matching barcodes and names. Before BWS downloads to Meditech it verifies that the two test assays match - if not, BWS sends the results to a file for reporting. After extensive testing, McAdams now has the confidence to have the process run unattended and have results reported automatically and directly to physicians.

Streamlining a process with HIPAA implications, UMass uses BWS to match and sort barcoded samples before sending results directly to correct physicians. This process has improved quality of care as right doctors receive results faster and more accurately than before.

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