Integrating CPOE Orders: A Guide to Moving Mountains | Webcast

Explore how you can reliably integrate to any healthcare application.

Is the inability to reliably integrate with other systems slowing your product development and sales? Many healthcare systems claim they don’t integrate with third party systems, but in order to offer a solution that fits into a business process network and add value to your product, successful integration is the key to building sales.

In this webcast, hear from Dewey Howell, president of Design Clinicals, as he reveals how the company needed a way to automate medication orders to Pharmacy systems. Given the critical nature of the data, a highly reliable way to connect to even the most closed systems was required. Dewey shares how he was able to eliminate dangerous transcription errors by providing a true electronic order to the Pharmacy system.

View this on-demand webcast and discover how to:

  • Integrate reliably with any application or system
  • Eliminate the need for data entry and potential errors and delays
  • Provide a more competitive, value added solution to your prospects

You’ll also hear from Boston Software Systems’ Business Development Manager, Bob DiScuillo, and Thom C. Blackwell, VP Technical Services as they share their domain knowledge of Boston WorkStation and demonstrate how this technology connects to any application or system.

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